Haynes Baby, From conception to two years. Owner's Nurture Manual

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Haynes Baby, From conception to two years. Owner's Nurture Manual
Ian Banks
Haynes Publishing
Género Literário
Livros práticos
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The Haynes Baby Owners' Nurture Manual is the best-selling practical manual on baby care written specifically for men, covering all shapes, models and sizes. Dr. Ian Banks combines his medical expertise with his experience as a father of four to produce this unique book. Covers all stages of infant development from conception to birth and on to 2 years old. Hints, tips and advice from real-life fathers and medical professionals, fault finding charts, serious illustrations and a look at the lighter side with Jim Campbell's cartoons. Printed in color and updated to include the latest opinions on IVF, breastfeeding, immunization and paternity leave.

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