The Famous Five's Survival Guide

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The Famous Five's Survival Guide
Enid Blyton
Hodder Children's Books
GĂ©nero LiterĂĄrio
Infantil ou Juvenil
Jovem Adulto
Livros prĂĄticos

📖  Have you ever wished you could be one of the Famous Five? Now you can be, by using all the information they have collected to solve this mystery of the hidden treasure. Not just the story of a search for the bejeweled dragon, this book includes useful advice on topics such as codebreaking, using a compass, building an escape raft, first aid, camping, and much more.

The Royal Dragon of Siam is a treasure lost when a ship sinks off the Isles of Scilly. This is the only mystery never solved by the Famous Five - and here's the opportunity for readers everywhere to solve it themselves, using all the information presented for them by the Five - with lots of useful information on surviving outdoors, too.

The only mystery never solved by the Famous Five is the lost treasure of the Royal Dragon of Siam. With this completely new story, and lots of information and tips on surviving outdoors, code-breaking, first aid and how to discover clues, readers will be able to crack the mystery themselves and learn useful skills along the way. This full colour gift book, tapping into the nostalgia and survival market, would be a great gift for Famous Five fans of any age.

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