Miss Wyoming

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Miss Wyoming
Douglas Coupland
Fire and Water
Género Literário

"From the bestselling author of Generation X and Microserfs, comes the absurd and tender story of a hard-living movie producer and a former child beauty pageant contender who only find each other by losing themselves.

Waking up in an L.A. hospital, John Johnson is amazed that it was the flu and not an overdose of five different drugs mixed with cognac that nearly killed him. As a producer of high-adrenaline action flicks, he's led a decadent and dangerous life, purchasing his way through every conceivable variant of sex. But each variation seems to take him one notch away from a capacity for love, and while movie-making was once a way for him to create worlds of sensation, it now bores him. After his near-death experience, John decides to walk away from his life.

Susan Colgate is an unbankable former tv star and child beauty pageant contender. Forced to marry a heavy metal singer in need of a Green Card after her parents squander her sitcom earnings, she becomes the alpha road rat. But when the band's popularity dwindles, the marriage dissolves. Flying back to Los Angeles in Economy, Susan's plane crashes   and only she survives. As she walks away from the disaster virtually unscathed, Susan, too, decides to disappear.

John and Susan are two souls searching for love across the bizarre, celebrity-obsessed landscape of LA, and are driven, almost fatefully, toward each other. Hilarious, fast-paced and ultimately heart-wrenching, Miss Wyoming is about people who, after throwing off their self-made identities, begin the fearful search for a love that exposes all vulnerabilities."

Estado do livro
Marcas de humidade principalmente nas primeiras e últimas páginas. Páginas amareladas e/ou com manchas de oxidação. O interior tem algumas manchas , sem comprometer o conteúdo impresso. Podem ver que deve ter tido um "encontro" com água, pois está ondulado como podem ver pelas fotos. Mas como já referi não impede a leitura.
Assinatura do proprietário.
Portes Incluídos
Possibilidade de entrega em mãos: Lisboa
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Tempo de resposta: Até 12 horas

Métodos de pagamento: MBWAY, Transferência Bancária, Contra Reembolso (acresce valor)