Detox Your World: Quick and Lasting Results for a Beautiful Mind, Body, and Spirit

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Detox Your World: Quick and Lasting Results for a Beautiful Mind, Body, and Spirit
Rawcreation Limited
Género Literário
Livros práticos

In this complete detox guide, Shazzie identifies the most dangerous toxins in your environment and provides detailed detox plans and over 100 raw-food recipes to help you stay clean and healthy. If you've eaten a typical Western diet (whether meat-based or vegetarian) all your life, you will eventually start to feel under the weather, depressed, overweight, or ill. By lightening your diet and shedding the toxins accumulated from your environment, you can alleviate and even remove these problems from your life. You will be amazed at the results:
• Enthusiasm for life
• Deep happiness and bliss
• A clearer and calmer mind
• More energy than you had as a child
• Natural weight loss and maintenance
• Flawless skin, great muscle tone, and a younger appearance

From the Trade Paperback edition.

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