The Mists of Avalon

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The Mists of Avalon
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Penguin Books
Género Literário

Morgaine, gifted with the Sight and fated with her brother-lover's doom, recounts the glorious tragedy of Camelot's brief flowering – not as a tale of knightly deeds, but as a woman's rounded view of society in the crucible of change.

Through the lives of pious Guinevere, ambitious Morgause, Priestess of Avalon Viviane and her successor as Lady of the Lake, Morgaine herself, this rich and haunting epic reveals a greater threat to the Old People then the Saxons. For the spread of patriarchal Roman ways and a narrow Christianity seem likely to drive the ancient worship of the Mother forever into the mists...

Estado do livro
Bastante manuseado. Lombada com marcas e curva e folhas manchadas na parte superior (ver fotos). Miolo em bom estado.
Portes Incluídos
Possibilidade de entrega em mãos: Gaia (Santo Ovídio)
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