Remembering (A Phenomenological Study)

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Remembering (A Phenomenological Study)
Edward Casey
Género Literário
Não ficção

A pioneering investigation of the multiple ways of remembering and the difference that memory makes in our daily lives.

"An excellent book that provides an in-depth phenomenological and philosophical study of memory." ―Choice

". . . a stunning revelation of the pervasiveness of memory in our lives." ―Contemporary Psychology

"[Remembering] presents a study of remembering that is fondly attentive to its rich diversity, its intricacy of structure and detail, and its wide-ranging efficacy in our everyday, life-world experience. . . . genuinely pioneering, it ranges far beyond what established traditions in philosophy and psychology have generally taken the functions and especially the limits of memory to be." ―The Humanistic Psychologist

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Métodos de pagamento: Transferência Bancária e MBWay