Mediation, Conciliation, and Emotions: A Practitioner's Guide for Understanding Emotions in Dispute Resolution

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Mediation, Conciliation, and Emotions: A Practitioner's Guide for Understanding Emotions in Dispute Resolution
Peter D. Ladd
Género Literário
Desenvolvimento pessoal
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Emotions impact any practitioner of dispute resolution; yet, there are very few programs with courses that explore the emotional side of disputes. In Mediation, Conciliation, and Emotions, Peter Ladd outlines the emotions found in disputes and how these emotions function in dispute resolution. The book is divided into two parts: emotions and mediation, and emotions and conciliation. These parts examine the phenomenon of mediation, how to control emotions during mediation sessions, and how different disputes require different modes of emotional reconciliation. Mediation, Conciliation, and Emotions offers practical advice and information about the role of emotions in dispute resolution. It is an indispensable tool for practitioners of dispute resolution. Author Peter Ladd has developed a computer program which simplifies scoring of the "Emotional Climate Inventory" offered in the book's Appendix. This program can be accessed via St. Lawrence University Graduate School of Education's website at

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