Robots and Empire

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Robots and Empire
Isaac Asimov
Género Literário
Ficção científica

Published by Panther Books in 1986

“Madam Gladia Solaria glanced disdainfully at the barbarous settler from Baleyworld who had disturbed her long middle age on Aurora. Yet something about him intrigued her. Perhaps because both he and his planet were named after Elijah Baley, the short-lived Earthman who’d been her lover two centuries before. Those memories plagued her. She knew she must return with the Settler to the deserted planet of her birth, Solaria. But the robots Daneel and Giskard knew more. They too remembered Elijah Baley. Now they must prevent his old enemies from plunging the galaxy into war-if the First Law of Robotics will let them…”

It is 508 pages, the standard 11cm x18cm, and 34mm wide

Estado do livro
Com algumas marcas de uso, mas em bom estado
Portes Incluídos
Possibilidade de entrega em mãos: Viana do Castelo e Braga
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