The Book of Complements| The Open Pillow

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The Book of Complements| The Open Pillow
David Rowinski
Inknbeans Press
Género Literário
Infantil ou Juvenil

The Book of Complements:

A myth about the delicate balance of elements Light and Dark True and False Good and Evil and the devastation wrought when equilibrium is upset. The Book of Complements Ancient in origin Eternal in perspective

The Open Pillow:

There is a place for everyone and everyone is a perfect size for something. 

Pillow wanted to have a purpose. He wanted to be useful to someone but he seemed to be too small -- just big enough for an ant’s head, and ants do not use pillows. So pillow watched others and learned to wait and grow until the day came when he was big enough to serve a very important purpose.

Estado do livro
Livros em bom estado, assinados com dedicatória do autor. Inclui pintura feita pelo autor.
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Possibilidade de entrega em mãos: Oliveira de Azeméis
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Tempo de resposta: Até 12 horas

Métodos de pagamento: MBway, transferência bancária