Our Own Private Universe

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Our Own Private Universe
Robin Talley
HQ Young Adult
Género Literário
Jovem Adulto

Fifteen-year-old Aki Simon already knows she's bisexual …
well hypothetically at least …

She just hasn't had the chance to kiss an actual, real life girl yet. So when Aki sets off on a group trip to a small Mexican town for the summer and she meets Christa - slightly-older, far-more-experienced - it seems her the perfect time to make that knowledge more than hypothetical

But it's not going to be that easy. It turns out Christa just might have a boyfriend waiting for her back home. Which means Aki has to sort out what she really wants - a few kisses, a summer fling, or something more … maybe even something real. Because whether she means to or not, Aki might just be falling in love.

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