Vampiros Predadores emocionais que nos querem sugar a vida...

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Vampiros Predadores emocionais que nos querem sugar a vida...
Daniel & Kathleen Rhodes
Bertrand Editora
Género Literário
Desenvolvimento pessoal
Livros práticos

Have you been bitten by a manipulative psychological leech? Or are you someone who enjoys bleeding others emotionally?

Very real vampires are stalking their prey from the shadows - not the supernatural kind, but people we deal with every day, who deliberately drain our mental and emotional energy. Many of these predators know exactly how much frustration, anger, and anxiety they inflict, while others carry on virtually unaware of the damage they cause, and victims are many times unaware that they are being bled.

What is an emotional predator? These "vampires" manipulate, use, and psychologically abuse friends, relatives, and even total strangers. By controlling situations and people for their own purposes, these emotional "blood suckers" gain strength to strike again. Vampires is the field guide for recognizing and combating these predators.

Written by a psychiatric care specialist and a well-known author of horror fiction, and peppered with fascinating personal stories from vampires and their victims, Vampires identifies and classifies emotional predators; exposes the methods they use and their favorite haunts (e.g., at work, in relationships, and in public); unmasks the collective vampirism of groups, and offers ways to combat the effects of an emotional attack. 

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