Glass and Glassware - 225 ilustrations in clour and black and white

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Glass and Glassware - 225 ilustrations in clour and black and white
George Savage
Octopus Books Limited
Género Literário
Livros práticos

Glass is a unique substance whose origins is lost in the mists of antiquity. This beautiful book describes the art and history of glass and glassmaking through the ages from 17th century BC to the refinements and developments of the 19th and 20th centuries. There are chapters on bottles and falsks, wine and drinking glasses, decanters and carafes, candlesticks, candelabra and chandeliers, paperweights and millefrori glass, as well as glass as an element of interior decoration. The photographs, many of them specially taken for this book, complete a fascinating insight into the uses past and present of glass.


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Possibilidade de entrega em mãos: Concelho de Lisboa, Oeiras e Cascais.
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Tempo de resposta: 12-24 horas

Métodos de pagamento: Transferência Bancária + MBWAY