Moonshine Vol.1

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Moonshine Vol.1
Brian Azzarello
Image Comics
Género Literário
Banda desenhada

Set during Prohibition, and deep in the backwoods of Appalachia, Moonshine tells the story of Lou Pirlo, a city-slick "torpedo" sent from New York City to negotiate a deal with the best moonshiner in West Virginia, one Hiram Holt. Lou figures it for milk run - how hard could it be to set-up moonshine shipments from a few ass-backward hillbillies? What Lou doesn't figure on is that Holt is just as cunning as ruthless as any NYC crime boss and Lou is in way over his pin-striped head. Because not only will Holt do anything to protect his illicit booze operation, he'll stop at nothing to protect a much darker family secret...a bloody, supernatural secret that must never see the light of day...or better still, the light of the full moon. 

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Tempo de resposta: 12-24 horas

Métodos de pagamento: Transferência bancária; mbway

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